Show 2 – 10 Social Media Tips – Transcript

Show 2 – 10 Social Media Tips – Transcript

Transcript for Show #2 below:

Social Media Hangout Time

I am here today with Lisa Saline. Now Lisa Saline is actually Kimmy, the social media puppet. We pulled her out from behind the curtain so that she’s working teach together a lesson on social media. We’re going through 10 top tips and we’re going to walk you through these in detail and show images for those of you that are watching. For those of you who are listening to your podcast, you can just listen and we’re going to walk you through so you don’t have to watch. So welcome to our show! We’re going to go and get started. So I’m going to go through the first part and we’ll take a second here and do a screen share.

Alright! And Lisa, are we seeing that okay?

You bet, sounds good.



Okay, so we’re going to go through 10 social media tips that work, that really do work.

I thought you’d going to do slide show view?

Can you see it?

That will be all your slides on the left.

Oh you know what it isn’t slide show view so you did not move with the Google Hangout. So I did do it in slide show, do you know what I mean?


So Google Hangout is not moving it for some reason. Well that’s an issue with Google Hangout. Alright well what we’ll do hmmmm, is there another way that I can go through it maybe we’ll show it up the proper way?

Under your view at the top on Hangouts, does it ask you what screen you want to show?

Yep and I went there, let me go out again. Let me go back in. And yeah but it doesn’t, you have to go in with out it being in full screen and then when you make it full screen, it doesn’t change it, does that make sense?


Alright, well is it too small? Well, we’ll just make it a little you know. This will be explained anyway in the podcast so we’ll read each one.

Okay, so Branding is KEY. This is one of my, one of the pieces I live by whenever I work with clients or myself for my own business. I want all the branding to match. So here’s what this one says: A key part of building your brand is promoting a polished and consistent image. Be sure every aspect of your marketing strategy mirrors that image in design, color and overall appearance.

Meaning if your website has, let’s just say it has green and blues, that’s your logo color. That’s your colors on the website. That’s the color you want to have for your Facebook cover image, your Google+ image, your Pinterest, your images that you’re designing. When you have a logo on your images that you’re sharing across the web, and so on and so forth, do you get it? So everything is mirrored exactly the same colors and look and fonts. Would have anything to add to that Lisa?

Well in the branding, too, is really about not just the colors and the look and the font but does it really promote you and who you are in the community? So would somebody be able to go out and see you and meet you and kind of know that you meet and mirror what you’re promoting online.

I like that.

So it’s beyond just the design and color but when people see you, your image online is very transparent offline, as well.

Love it! Love it! Alright, okay, we’re going to course through these since we have ten and we want to keep this to about half an hour.

So have a plan, second one. Have a plan! Set up an online content calendar. Use Google Calendar to organize this if you’d like. But if you rather, you can use paper. I sometimes, I have a calendar hanging, old school. I call this a little bit old school but I do keep my content calendar hanging above me pinned to a board. Now I do use the online platform also but I also print it off so that I have it in front of me. And how do you do your Google or content calendar Lisa?

You know what I like to use is color coding on my Gmail calendars, my Google calendar. So like on Monday if it’s related to Pinterest you’ve got red. And Tuesday’s maybe Twitter so that’s blue. So whatever topic you’re doing if you think of Monday as a color a lot of times it will help prompt you to write the right message. And then I also add in headlines. When I’m coming across a headline that grabs me online, I can just put it right on the content calendar then I already have some ideas of what I’m going to do.

Right, great, awesome tip! Cool, okay.

So the next one, interact with others. So interacting with others, I’m going to read this one out: Don’t just post on your page. Be sure to like, comment and share on other pages too!

And when we say page that can be for Facebook but for any platform, if something that a lot of people, a lot of business owners that I’ve worked with and I’m sure you too Lisa, feel like if they just post stuff on their Facebook page, on their Pinterest account, they’re just posting and that’s good enough. And you know what, I’m on social media, I am posting. You really really to make social media work, it’s so important to take the time to really interact with people outside of your own page, of your own platform, whatever it is that you’re using. It’s just really important to talk to them and comment. Share their content, especially people you really want to get connected with. And Lisa, have you add to that?

Yeah, and when you’re commenting on other people’s things, a lot of times it’s just about adding value. And so you’re knowledge, so much more knowledge than another person that you can actually kind of train them to know what you do and what you’re an expert at and be free to give information. Give it away for free because that’s adding value. I know that there are some people that say, well I should charge for everything if I’m going to tell them how to do something. And in my feeling is no, you can give a lot of value away and that helps build integrity and trust with you so that you’re going to be a resource for them when they want or ready to pay for it. And so go ahead and show what you know and be real sincere about it and help other people.

Love it, yep, yes. And what I’d add to that to is when you are commenting on people, adding to what Lisa said that when you are commenting and putting your two cents in, don’t go put your length and spam, either. The spamming pieces is not what you’re there for to like and share your comment — oh, look at my product, not about that. It’s about being true, it’s about being real and sincere so people read right through that even through the online marketing, they’ll read right through it.

Good. Money is in the list.

Yes baby. It is.

It is, it is. And a lot of people, it’s taking a lot people a long time to grab this one but let me read it out aloud so everybody knows what we’re talking about. Remember, email marketing plus social media equals more opportunities to grow your business.

And so when I look at Facebook, a lot of people look at Facebook. If I have, you know over a thousand likes for my page, you know I’m going to make so much money out of it. And it’s actually not even about showing up. Let’s say your Facebook page is rocking and you got people commenting, sharing, all that kind of stuff but you’re not grabbing their name for email campaign, you’re loosing. Facebook is a funnel system, it’s a funnel system to get people to your list, it’s not a selling tool – direct selling tool. I would suggest giving them to your list and this goes for all social networks, and then on the backend you give away, like with Lisa had talked about, you give away great products for free, give away great knowledge through your email campaign and then that’s when you sell additional materials. And I’ll let Lisa add to that if you have anything to add.

Yeah, absolutely. You know, a lot of people are afraid to have people’s email and say that they’re going to be bothering them but it is still the number one way that people are selling to the market place and they’re selling it because they’re in front of people. So email marketing, and I wish I could have done this seven years ago, is to build that platform really, really strong so that I’ve got a number of people that we have this huge value and trust with and so when you’re using email marketing on social media, not only are you capturing it through like a Facebook page or call to action but you’re also able to share through your email list information and coupons that maybe they want to get off a Facebook page that you’ve created so it goes both ways. So email is definitely a great tool for getting numbers of a number of social media platform engaged in with your audience.

Right, yes, I can agree more. I think email marketing is and i did make the same mistake Lisa made back in the day. I mean we started years ago in this world of internet marketing and you know I just that that ahhh, email marketing I don’t need it. You know, all the other people were saying you got to build that list and back then it was opened more. Emails were opened a lot more than they are today and so you got to work harder at it now. You know, back in what year would you say, like 2007, 2008 even?

Yeah, 2007 for sure is when I started my first, actually my first list started in 2006 but you know one of the biggest things for me because I have the affiliate marketing background is oftentimes affiliate marketers are sending links directly to resell another person’s product and what they’re forgetting is they’re not opting in to their list first before they introduce that other person’s product, they’re by-passing themselves. So when the affiliate program decides to change hats they take all the customers that you gave them with them and you don’t have access. So it’s really important to build that relationship and have your own list and not send them off to somebody else.

Good point.

So a tip there because I know myself and others who have lost income overnight just because they made a change.

You didn’t own your own list basically. So you need to own your own list and stay in contact with them before we could do a whole entire training on email marketing specifically but that just touches using the social media with email marketing.

And use video. And here we are, we are using video. And were doing it through the hangouts but we also have videos on our channel, too. And let me read this one, increase your chances for online sales by adding a video. Recent statistics show that viewers of product videos are 85% more likely to buy. And the source there is PR Marketing.

And what this means is, so let’s say you have a product that you’re selling and you have a sales page for that product then you will want to have a video on that sales page. Same thing goes for if you have an opt in page for a email campaign. Really, you don’t have to but listen to those stat, 85% more likely to buy. So do you think it’s important to have a video pretty much everywhere you’re trying to sell a product?

Absolutely. You know video know, especially with smart phones, it’s awesome because a lot of times you can watch a quick video before you’re ready to buy a product or service. You get engaged especially with people carrying around smart phones, you know there’s a lot more people sitting in the car waiting or the kids to come out of school that are shopping, they’re shopping from their cellphones and a video engages them more – they can see more details of the product, they can learn more about what it is that they want to buy. And it’s a great way to start a relationship with the sales environment because they can really get to know who you are, so video is awesome.

Uh-hum, yep, yep. And allows them to increase the chance of search engine optimization if you have that video in YouTube, too, so there’s another piece. But it’s not so complicated anymore so like you said even watching on smartphone but not only that but creating on the smartphone. Creating through the hangouts, you know the Google Hangouts like what we’re doing right now. It’s not so difficult anymore where you have to have, lug around all those huge equipment and stuff like that. It’s so simplified even the Instagram and the for some reason I’m zoning the other one. I kind of gave up the other one now, what’s it called?

Instagram and Vine.

Vine, thank you, Vine, yeah. Those ones are simple, simple to create a video and then push them out there and people are doing it all the time and those are some of the people that are they get successes.

Because they are real, and they are connecting. And they are not spending thousands of dollars on their videos.

So great one. So let’s go on to, we’re going to switch it over to Lisa taking over the next five.
This is my favorite – no negativity. Why waste a sentence saying nothing says Godin, who’s one of my favorite author, said that. If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Negativity on social media can be taken, really, to the extreme. And you have to be very careful about choosing your words and you know, there’s politics, religions and just people that are typically not marketers or people that don’t own a business, you’re going to see a lot of brands. But it shed such a bad light on your persona, on your brand, on you as a person when you start engaging in a negative tone. Because words don’t necessarily have that same tone that you would get if you were speaking face to face. So I would say, you know what it’s much better and much better for your brand if you can say something positive about somebody or something even if it is a negative situation. You can take the words and turn it into positive or just don’t say anything at all. It gets people in trouble. How about you Janet, do you experience that, as well?

Yeah, you know what I notice that most of the time when I see the negativity it tends to come from people that arent’, they don’t care what they’re doing on Facebook. Or they don’t care, it’s people that don’t necessarily own a business and so they don’t really think about what they’re posting and honestly I’ll turn those off in my news feed. I don’t need to hear it, I don’t care about it and it’s not something that I guess my thought is why do you want to look like that type of person anyway. You know, I mean, none of us have a perfect life, none of us have but why are we sending it out to the world, that kind of things. So my thought I completely agree and specially as a brand. Especially as a brand you don’t want to bring negativity. But even you I think the step further is looking at your self as the brand, too. And so whatever you’re doing can comeback to you no matter how long down the road and so I would completely agree just keep it hot, positive and that’s what people attract to, anyway.

Right. Alright, be social. You know, Jay Baer says focus on how to be social not how to do social. And when I am training people because I do the social media classes in classroom and on webinar. When I teach people what social media really is it’s really no different no different than sending across from somebody at the coffee shop standing in line at the grocery store. You just need to learn how to, if you’re social by nature, social media will be very good for you. If you’re one that likes hides behind a cubicle wall and not saying anything, it’s going to be very difficult for you. Social media is a conversation, so you know, focus on learning how to reach your hand out and say hello. Learning how to give a compliment to somebody about something they’ve done, maybe they wrote an article online and you could share that article and say something positive about it, that’s something about being social. So I love this one because it’s really, sometimes it’s hard for people to be social in public setting and social media gives them a little bit edge so that they can start to connect with people. It can get you out of your shell.

Yeah. And it goes back to what we were talking about too, not just about the brand, it’s about you.


And so this is about getting out there and being social as you but you are your brand.

Right. Alright. Have the right ingredients. Do you have the right ingredients for a social media campaign? Jay Baer also says social media is an ingredient, it’s not an entree. So you don’t want to just focus on social media platforms like Twitter or Pinterest or LinkedIn because that’s really not the core of your business. Your core business is going to be your website and who you are. Social media is just one little element, one little ingredient to the whole marketing platform. So you know I tell people that you got to make sure that your platform is solid, rock solid that it’s stable, it’s ready to take on traffic then you would implement and engage on social media channels with good call to actions so they come to your platform and they know that there’s a house there. So basically you want to use those social media tools as a way to put people at the top of your funnel. Just get them to introduce who you are, what your website is, who your brand is. So it’s just an ingredient, not an entree.

The hamburger’s making me hungry, sorry.

Yeah we should tell that to people on the podcast that the picture is a nice, big, fat juicy hamburger with tomatoes and onions and cheese and then it got toothpicks of all of our social media icons on there. So the hamburger depicts that that’s your platform. Yeah, it is lunch time, right?

The other thing I just want to add to that is that a lot of people ask you know we’re talking about social media being an ingredient and ask how many platform, you know I want to be on everything. And you really don’t have to be on every social platform. You really want to focus in on a couple of them and use those, once again like we said to drive the traffic to your actual hub, which is your main hub would be the website. And so that is the actual entree.

Good. Privacy is dead, this slide is a picture of an eyeball with the camera pointing. Privacy is dead and social media holding the smoking gun, that’s Pete Cashmore, Mashable CEO. Just realize you can run but you cannot hide. In this world of social media, what you post immediately can be shared, copied, tweeted, even those social sites like snapchat is becoming an issue because they think the videos and pictures go away with an instant but the reality is they don’t. They have a legal obligation to keep those for a certain amount of time and people are just copying the slides. So as soon as they open a video they do a screen share and they’ve got that information. A lot of information can be found on social media sites, they address. I mean you think about tshirts that you wear to tell you what school you go to. What events you’re at. You’re sharing your posting your where you’re at on certain times of the day. The thing is you don’t want to be afraid to use social media, you just want to be smart. So make sure you got it in place some good identity theft products just making sure that you’re being smart about what you are doing, who you share your information with.

Great, yeah I even just read something about a guy just got suspended from school from a Tweet but he had gone in and deleted that tweet and thought it was over with. But it never disappears.

No, because somebody has already grabbed it and made a screen shot and unfortunately it was on that he retweeted, too. So it wasn’t even his own content.

Wow, so you got to be careful. Watch what you’re doing but not be so paranoid about it. The one thing I hear alot about is privacy settings and you know, and if things changes, specially on Facebook and everybody is in an uproar, thing I just look at it it’s like you chose to be there in the first place and just don’t forget, the privacy piece is you know I don’t especially with teenagers and kids and stuff that aren’t very smart about things, we got to watch it. But just remember you’re out there when in social media.

And the thing is too, specially when talking about kids is you can’t prevent them from setting up dummy accounts, from participating online. I mean, even if you take cellphones and ipads and things away from home, that’s the channel you’re going to be using. You’re going to use, and they are using chrome and ipad in school and they have access to technology all around them. So it’s really important that you just allow them a good open conversation so that they can share with you and feel comfortable sharing with you. That they’re not going to be batted down. Because they’ll go set up a dummy account, they’ll have their real account where they are being nice and then they have account out there that they set up under alias name and use it with their buddies so it happens so beware and be aware and educate.

Stop selling and start helping. You know we touched a little bit on this, Zig Ziglar tells about this a lot. You know you’re out doing sales, it’s really more about helping other people and you do the same thing on social media. Just the other day I was helping somebody with their LinkedIn profile, they posted a comment in a group chat and I hopped in and I thought I can, I know how to do that and I just told them how to make a change and where it goes. So you just help other people with the tools that you have and it just builds your credibility, your integrity and when you’re not just even online but when you’re in a social setting or maybe out volunteering, making sure that you share the experiences that you have because you’re helping somebody out. It really helps you connect with people. When you’re helping in an organization or volunteer non-profit or helping in an event, you’re going to start attracting people that are very like-minded and that will help grow your business. They’re going to want to have you help them in your business because they already know who you are and type of person you are. So stop just pitching your stuff and start making a conversation. I giggled because every single day I see weight loss products, you know, and it’s weight loss products and all of a sudden you know buy this bottle of goo and you’re going to loose a hundred pounds. You see that in everybody’s channels and you know they’re just copying things but that’s not what I want to do. I want to connect with the person first so it’s okay to publish the link to sell something but also make sure to a lot more helping and sharing.

Can’t agree more.

Well let’s finish up. That was our ten tips and we actually have a view, I hoped you enjoyed it if you’re watching, I hope you really enjoyed the images that you saw and if you weren’t watching then that’s fine, and hopefully you got a lot out of it and you can get these images and I’m going to tell you where. We are offering, we have 50 images, we went through 10 of them but we have 50 tips and images. Some are quotes, some are tips so these are all very helpful and you can find this at And then also we will be having a show notes on, that’s where the video of me you can listen, listen to broadcast and the show notes will be on And we would love it if you could help us out by heading to itunes and writing us a review if you learned from it, enjoyed it and watch some future shows. We would love to get some of the reviews from you and hear feedback of what you though about it and I’ll let Lisa finish up.

Awesome! Well we certainly appreciate everybody on this channel and we are looking for people to interview and to share their stories and successes on social media, as well. And so if you are a business owner and you would like to be interviewed by SocialMediaHangouttime Kimmy and Janet Johnson, we would love to hear from you so feel free to send us an email and post a comment below and we will get back to you. Thank you.

Great! Thanks a lot for your time.